Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Blind Now See!

Wow! Can you believe it? A 65-year-old lady was blind her entire life and now she can see thanks to a cornea transplant! It's a miracle!

I always imagined what it'd be like to be blind, but I never wanted to actually experience it myself. To read a story like that, it just touches the heart. It makes me want to find this lady and give her a BIG hug just for her confidence. It's good to know that there are people out there that do care about those with disabilities. I mean, there is still discrimination in this world and people still like to pick on those who are blind and/or deaf.

This story has me wondering why this mother of 12 didn't have a cornea transplant way before? Then, I think, well, how could I pay for it (if I was her)? These days, it's rather expensive to have any kind of surgery.

I, also, think of what it must have been like for her husband and her 12 kids. I mean, how did they feel kowing that their wife and mother couldn't really see them? They must be just as esctatic as Patricia, knowing now that she can see them and experience the true colors instead of blobs of nothing.

It has me feeling like I want to cry, but then I'm so happy for Patricia Stanton and her family. Congrads, Patricia! Enjoy the beauty of the world!


Blogger Stephen Goss said...

Excellent work Rach.

9:57 AM  

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